Springs Rejuvenation is the top-ranking wellness clinic in Atlanta, Georgia. They wanted a fresh look for the website and a copy that could target keywords and get the site to rank better.
We transformed their cluttered medical website into a serene digital space that matches Springs Rejuvenation’s in-person experience. The old site buried its unique treatments under dense medical jargon – the redesign brings its innovative wellness approaches to the forefront.
We ditched the clinical white-and-blue template for rich earth tones and calming imagery that sets them apart from typical medical sites and rewrote dense paragraphs of medical terminology into clear treatment descriptions that answer patient questions.
We focused on showcasing their expert team members and the best of their client testimonials in the conversion loop.
The new design is focused on what makes Springs Rejuvenation unique: their blend of cutting-edge treatments with a peaceful, spa-like atmosphere.